Hi, I’m Jamie! Welcome to my website!

I also go by Skiletro, or just simply Skil, and use they/them pronouns.

Inspired by the philosophies of the old web while also introducing elements from newer websites, this website is written using Hugo with the source code being publically available on GitHub. The website was finally finished on the 4th of June, 2024.

I’m interested in a whole range of different things; most of which have some sort of connection to technology and the likes. Mechanical keyboards, and linux ricing are some of my current interests, alongside esports, and just overall just messing about with things that are cool.


  • nixfiles … A Nix flake containing all of my system configuration. I’ve put a lot of effort into making it look good too.
  • my nix user repository repo … Not a lot going on here, mostly containing fonts and other small programs. Instead of restricting the packages to my flake, I thought it would be more useful for other people to publish them under the NUR.
  • Simple2FA … Written as part of my undergraduate studies, Simple2FA, as the name suggests, is a very basic two-factor authentication app, with support for manual entry as well as scanning QR codes.
  • Graphics Design Work … While I haven’t updated the portfolio in a while, I’ve done quite a lot of work in the graphics design space, creating logos and whatnot. I intend to move this portfolio to this website sometime in the future, but for now all my work happily lives on Behance.
  • And more! I honestly can’t think of everything off the top of my head, and I’m always doing more stuff so I might update here again soon^

Programming Languages and Other Skills

  • C#
  • Go
  • Nix
  • HTML
  • CSS (and things like SCSS, SASS)
  • Figma

Thank you for visiting!

If you need to contact me, feel free to do so through matrix, or on Discord (jvmi).

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